You Are Worth More!

You Are Worth More!
There are certain stories of God’s faithfulness that never lose their impact on our lives. Long after the details elude us, the memory of our Lord’s acts of extravagant love and mighty power stir our hearts to worship.
Years ago after speaking at a women’s retreat, a young woman approached me. I’ll never forget the intensity in her voice as she said, “You need to hear my story!”
“I am a widow with two young children. My husband was killed in an accident two years ago.”
Although she didn’t pause, I managed to squeeze in a compassionate comment before the rest of her story unfolded.
“On the day my husband died, I was driving with my children when I suddenly heard God’s voice in my mind. ‘I am in control of this. Don’t be afraid. I will never leave you.’”
Instantly a deep sense of divine peace filled and surrounded her. She didn’t understand the purpose of the message but relished the tangible presence of God which was like nothing she’d ever experienced.”
For some reason she glanced at the digital clock on her dashboard and noted the time.
It wouldn’t be much longer before this dear young woman’s world would be rocked by tragic news. Her husband had been rushed to the hospital by ambulance to treat critical injuries sustained in a car accident.
She would later learn that God’s reassuring promise had been delivered to her at the exact moment her husband’s heart stopped beating.
As tears filled her eyes, she struggled to finish her story through fresh waves of emotions.
“It’s been hard. I miss him every day and the hardest thing is watching our children sort through their grief.”
“But I will never forget … and I will never stop being thankful … for the way God prepared my heart for this loss. He didn’t have to get so personal – those promises are in the Bible – and yet He went above and beyond and gave me this extravagant, sweet gift – this intensely personal promise of His power and love. It’s a gift I open over and over.”
Countless times over the years God has reminded me of this story. I wonder about her family and I imagine she has many more experiences of God’s faithfulness to share with others. This week she came to mind as I was reading through the book of Luke and came upon the following verse:
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Luke 12:6-7)
Aren’t you astounded by the intricacies of God’s care? Not one detail of our lives escapes His notice. There’s not an iota of information He misses. He compassionately and personally responds to every tear, every joyful celebration, every need, and every prayer.
He holds us close to His heart with an intensity of divine love that goes beyond our ability to imagine. There is nothing random or reckless about His intricate plans for our lives. All our days are written in His book. (Psalm 139:15-16). He lovingly prepares our hearts for the challenges that lie ahead and precisely orchestrates the moments of our days with the utmost care.
Let’s celebrate the extravagant, undivided attention of our Lord who comforts us in all our troubles and delights in pouring out fresh expressions of His personal love across the moments of our lives.