Lavishly Loved!
Lavishly Loved!
I stuffed my Bible inside my purse as we headed out the door. My daughter and I drove to the doctor’s office, her hand gripping her side in response to the constant pain that had intensified over the past few months. What would her ultrasound reveal?
As we waited for the results, I thanked God that we were scheduled to see a specialist who was not only a friend, but also a highly skilled practitioner. I expected our daughter had a cyst on her ovary that could easily be removed – quickly and painlessly. However, to my great surprise, we were told that due to the size and location of a benign tumor, she would have to have her left ovary removed and as a precaution, her appendix as well.
But an even bigger surprise was the peace on my daughter’s face along with her words, “God prepared my heart for this. I knew this would be the outcome.” As tears sprang to my eyes, I pulled out my Bible praying that God would speak to me through His Word. It fell open to Isaiah 61 and I noticed a verse, underlined and dated with Jenna’s name written beside it.
Here was a promise God had given Jenna in June 2012: “… you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.” (Isaiah 61:7)
In the midst of an unexpected loss, a surgery we didn’t expect, a recovery that would cause her to miss the first week of college – the two of us rejoiced in this sweet love letter from our Savior – a joy-filled inheritance, a double portion, everlasting joy!
She wasn’t lacking … She was loved! She wasn’t neglected … she was perfectly cared for!
A verse that has captivated my heart over the last few months describes this divine love:
See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God!
(1 John 3:1)
We are children of God! Lavishly Loved! Extravagantly Enjoyed! Carefully Cared for!
This Great Love is an unlimited, expansive love that holds nothing back. Our Savior gives generously without limits and showers luxurious goodness upon His children without restraint.
Speaker and author, Susie Larson, was asked, “How do you want others to describe you when you’re gone?” Her answer: “I just want people to say that I loved Jesus and allowed Him to love me.”
Don’t you love the simplicity and purity of her answer? Let’s love and live loved!
As Jenna was recovering from her surgery, I kept sensing the Lord reminding me to REJOICE in His presence! Each time I opened my heart to the reality of His ever-present love, I was transformed.
Maybe that’s why Paul prayed that we would grasp more deeply the immensity of Christ’s love – His love changes everything.
Lord, may I grow in the knowledge of your love and live with a posture of receiving, ready and willing to receive the rich treasures of Your fullness. May Your perfect love drive out all fear that I may declare with rock-solid conviction: You are able to do immeasurably more than all I can ask or imagine!
“I am a child of God! Lavishly Loved! Extravagantly Enjoyed! Carefully Cared For!”
Let’s live loved!