Kelly Hall

lord be the loudest voice in our lives

The Loudest Voice

A huge decision . . . life-changing really . . . and we needed to hear from God ...
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If God is for us who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Our God Is For Us!

I ran inside our house seeking shelter from the bitter cold of that December day wondering if I ...
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You see me, you know me, and yet you delight in me! Thank you Jesus.

His Delight!

It was one of those embarrassing moments reminding me that parts of my life were a disorganized, out-of-control ...
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God's eye is on us His heart is toward us His hand is moving on our behalf he is for us

His Eye, His Heart, His Hand

I’ll never forget the day I ran over my husband with a ski boat. (It’s true… it really ...
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Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own. JEremiah 33:3

The Answerer

We were halfway through our Courageous Faith Bible study when I asked the question, “How has God been ...
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The Lord is my refuge Psalm 91:1-2

The Courage to Take Refuge

We were rock-climbing near the Pecos River in New Mexico this past weekend. Maybe I should clarify – ...
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I am not at the mercy of my circumstances Because my god is bigger

My God Is Bigger!

I woke up in the morning feeling just as tired as when I’d gone to bed. I was ...
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Unanswered Prayers are Simply God's Unfinished Stories

Unanswered Prayers

“I prayed and nothing happened… it didn’t work.” Dejected and discouraged my young daughter tried to make sense ...
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God promised he will do it that settles it

Settled Truth

I don’t know about you, but my heart longs for a day when everything is fixed and finished, ...
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I Lift my eyes up my help comes from the lord

Lavish Love

I sat straight up in bed early Sunday morning with a loud gasp, startling Lee out of a ...
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