My God Is Bigger!

My God Is Bigger!
I woke up in the morning feeling just as tired as when I’d gone to bed. I was heartbroken for one of my daughters – another seemingly impossible obstacle stacked against her, another disappointment that threatened to knock the hope right out of us.
Too weary even to put words to the deep desires of my heart, I pictured myself holding her up to the Lord and simply prayed, “Look at the devastation of Your child … help her … help us.”
I rested in that place … no words … just grateful for God’s promise that when we don’t know what to pray, His Holy Spirit prays for us in “groanings too deep for words.”
I slowly began to notice that a familiar tune was playing in my mind. In order to fully appreciate the impact of this moment you have to understand that I am never – and I mean never – able to remember the words to songs. I asked the Lord, “What is that song … what are you trying to say?”
As God held my attention, a sweet prayer of surrender began to wash over my soul: “No matter what … I will love You, no matter what I will need You. I know that You can find a way to keep me from the pain but if not, if not, I’ll trust You no matter what.”
“Yes, Lord, thank you for this reminder. I know that I am not at the mercy of my circumstances because You are bigger and more powerful than any pain or problem I’ll encounter on this earth. I trust You.”
The sweet assurance of His presence and power in that place of uncertainty washed away the fear.
I was reminded of a Scripture underlined in my Bible: “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:30-31)
The unshakeable Truth on which our hope rests is this: Our God is Supremely Sovereign! Our heartaches don’t take Him by surprise. A scenario doesn’t even exist where our Almighty God is found sitting on His throne, scratching His head, thinking, “I should have been paying more attention! Now what am I gonna do?”
I don’t know about you, but a deep sense of peace fills my heart as I remember that God’s purposes and plans WILL, without a doubt, be accomplished and that each divine victory is won without Him even breaking a sweat. Nothing is too difficult for Him … no one can stand in His way.
What would happen if we boldly and courageously faced down the odds stacked against us and declared with a heavenly authority only possible for those who know Jesus: I am not at the mercy of my circumstances because my God is BIGGER.
I wonder how different our lives would be if we surrendered every fearful thought and chose instead to hold unswervingly to our faithful God. What if we believed with fresh intensity that our Savior Jesus Christ really is a Victorious Warrior who fights for us?
Would you pause right now, lifting your voice toward heaven, and declare with a fierceness that fills your weary heart with hope: I am not at the mercy of my circumstances because my God is BIGGER!