Settled Truth

Settled Truth
I don’t know about you, but my heart longs for a day when everything is fixed and finished, settled and solved. And just so we’re clear – today is not that day.
Even a cursory glance at my life reveals things and people that need fixing – not the least of which is me. As I focus on the situations that remain uncertain and unsettled, my heart could easily fill with fear and worry … but then … I’m reminded of the most powerful, life-changing question we can ask at times like these.
“What do I know that’s true?”
Maybe you were expecting something a bit more complicated, but let me explain.
I remember years ago during one of the most difficult times of my life, I kept a list of Bible verses tucked inside my Bible. Each day as I battled weariness and discouragement, I declared God’s promises over my life.
When I would hear someone say they had a favorite verse, I’d think: “Wow, just one? Because I need about thirty to convince me God is who He says He is … right now, today, in all my mess.”
What do we know that’s true? Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
I wonder how many of us need to be reminded today that God’s promises are backed by the honor of His name and that all His promises are “yes” in Christ. Each promise will come true on time, in God’s time. Nothing is impossible with Him. He will never leave us or forsake us. His purposes will be carried out. Nothing and no one can stand in His way.
In other words, God promised … He’ll do it … that settles it! My life may be unsettled, but God’s eternal, unchanging Word is settled truth.
What would happen, if right smack dab in the middle of disappointment, we had the courage to take God at His Word? What if we took our stand on the battlefield, held our sword high, and asked the question only warriors and conquerors dare to ask – What do I know that’s true?
What if we refused the lie that somehow God’s faithfulness would wear out and instead rested in the sweet assurance that not one promise from His Word will fail or fall short?
Would you pause right now and ask the Lord to bring you to a powerful new place of peace as you embrace His settled truth in deeper ways than ever before.
GOD promised … He WILL DO it … that settles it.