God’s Reframing Power
God’s Reframing Power
I’ll never forget how scared I felt years ago as I prepared three talks for my first ever women’s retreat. I can’t help but shake my head and laugh as I recall months – literally – of not being able to eat much of anything because food tasted like cardboard – I lost about ten pounds!
I spent hours in prayer and many more hours in agonizing preparation – writing and rewriting, pacing and second-guessing. I knew God was calling ME to do this – but I can’t tell you how many times I asked him to send someone else. I felt completely inadequate and overwhelmed and I was horrified at the thought that I would disappoint my friend and the hundred ladies who would be attending the retreat.
About two weeks before the event – while reading the Bible and praying about the weekend – God graciously spoke to me about my over-the-top anxiety, highlighting the following verses:
I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness. (Psalm 145:5-6 NLT).
Immediately tears sprang to my eyes as God said: “Just tell them what I’ve done in your life, Kelly. That’s all you have to do. Be honest about your struggles and tell them what I’ve done. I will do the rest.”
A huge sense of relief washed over me! All I had to do was tell God’s story in my life; that’s it! I would simply share His awe-inspiring miracles, His goodness, His enduring faithfulness and power … He was responsible for the results. If someone was disappointed – it was on Him because that wasn’t my department … whew!
God came through in powerful ways at that Arizona retreat, making a name for Himself in the tender, eager hearts of the ladies who attended. And I learned a lesson I’ll never forget – but it’s one I have to apply often … When we intentionally meditate on the majestic glory and awe-inspiring miracles of our Lord and Savior – everything changes. He reframes, refocuses, revamps and remakes for His glory!
What was once about us is suddenly all about Him …
May the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, My rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)