God is Already There
God is Already There
Without a doubt I am the least adventurous person in our family. I certainly enjoy the beauty of the outdoors but it’s the stress of problem-solving all the possible what-ifs that seems to drain the joy right out of me. I’ll never forget my white-knuckled grip on the door handle of my husband’s Jeep Rubicon as he drove over rocks so tall I was convinced that one wrong move would send us tumbling over an embankment. Or the time a blizzard shut down the highway and our minivan was stuck in the snow with a line of honking cars behind us.
Thankfully, my husband Lee is handy to have around in any adventure or emergency. His quick thinking, confident demeanor and creative problem-solving skills bring a sense of calm into every unexpected situation. Maybe it’s the preparation of years of flying F-16’s and his battle-ready training.
Whatever the cause, a few of our daughters have been heard to say, “Dad I’m so glad you’re coming along. Mom can get so stressed out!” I’m not proud of it – just being real.
Here’s the truth: If I could see into the future and know ahead of time exactly how God was going to bring us through every heartache, hardship and difficulty, it would be easier to live in peace. But that wouldn’t involve any faith at all.
Faith is the courage to trust God when the outcome is uncertain and undefined.
The primary anchor point of my faith is found in the following verse:
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
What a tremendous comfort! Not only has God already gone before us into every situation, our Savior who is Mighty to Save is surrounding us with His impenetrable protection, strengthening us in His supernatural power, and perfectly preparing us to trust Him through the challenges that lay ahead.
So don’t be afraid of what’s around the next corner! Don’t be discouraged when the unexpected difficulties of life leave you wondering how you will ever get through.
Instead of tightening a white-knuckled grip on our problems let’s grab hold with unshakable confidence to the hand of our God who is already there and promises to lead us through.
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
Lord, we are so grateful that nothing takes you by surprise. May Your supernatural peace guard our hearts as we rest in the certainty of Your constant presence and power.