Ask, Seek, Knock
Ask, Seek, Knock
Prayer is a mystery, but it’s not complicated. God tells us to ask – it’s as simple as that. We allow our hearts to unfold in His presence – laying our hopes, dreams, heartaches and needs before Him – sometimes without words.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
We say “Yes” to the divine invitation delivered by Jesus in Matthew 7.
We ask, seek, and knock.
We offer our persistent, faith-fueled, honest conversations to our Lord.
God responds.
God gives us what only He can give.
He leads us deeper into His heart of love.
He throws open doors of promise that exceed our expectations.
Years ago when my oldest daughter was very young she awakened me in the middle of the night. Obviously frightened, she used sign language to convey she’d had a bad dream. I carried her back to her room and knelt beside her twin bed while she nestled deep under the covers.
I wanted to comfort her by praying out loud, singing a sweet song of God’s love, and whispering words of assurance but she couldn’t hear me, not without her cochlear implant and not without a light to aid in lip-reading.
My mother’s heart broke, not only for my little girl who had already fallen back asleep,
but for me, who desperately wanted to connect to my daughter’s heart through late-night soul-thoughts.
In anguished grief, I cried out to God – “Help us.” I didn’t know what I needed God to do and certainly didn’t know how to put my requests into words, but as I opened my seeking heart to Him, He threw open a door I never expected.
It was as if God suddenly threw open a spiritual door to heaven, right at that moment, and poured out His Father’s heart all over mine – freely, without restraint. Rivers of inexhaustible Glorious Goodness flowed into and filled that room – tangible, powerful, indescribable Love washed across my soul.
Living, Breathing Love whispered into my deep ache, “Kelly, I love you and I love Kayla more than you can imagine. Trust Me. I will take care of her. I will care for your whole family, perfectly, powerfully. I will make a way for all of you. Trust Me. I love you.”
Prayer is so much simpler than we imagine.
Ask – Allow your heart to unfold in the presence of your Heavenly Father.
Seek – Seek His heart, not just an answer to your prayer. He is a good Father, who desires to connect intimately with you, who longs to pour Himself out, just for you.
My heart breaks for those of you who are walking through deep heartache right now. You don’t know where you will find the strength to take your next breath, much less find the hope to get through tomorrow. My prayer for you is that even in this place of pain, where it seems impossible to discern God’s goodness, you will make room for His voice.
Knock – Pray and don’t stop praying. Believe that He is right there with you, hearing with His heart of love and compassion. Be assured that He is Good and His love endures forever. Know that He is moving on your behalf and He will carry you through the days ahead.
“Prayer is powerful. Never underestimate it. So we need never give up. Prayer is the greatest gift of all – to seek the heart of one who holds everything in His hands.” (Dr. Tammy Smith, Soulhearted … Daily Truths for the Longing Soul)