The “Yes” of God’s Heart

The “Yes” of God’s Heart

On Friday night, our Inspire women’s ministry team hosted a wonderfully fun evening, complete with catered dinner, a crazy fun game, door prizes, live worship, and a speaker (who just happened to be me.) I was speaking from the first chapter of “Courageous Hope” … daring to live the “yes” of God’s heart.

Early this morning before the sun was even up, I sensed God filling my heart with His joy as He reminded me of His message from Friday night. One of my favorite verses came to mind: “For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes”!” (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Yes!! Jesus is our Ultimate Yes! I love the fact that through faith in Jesus Christ, God is speaking a great big, huge, glorious, majestic YES over our lives. My greatest comfort in all the uncertainties and unknowns of this life is that Jesus, our precious Savior, is with us and for us in ALL His power at ALL times. YES!

Right now, this very moment, He is accomplishing and carrying out every “yes” in His Word on our behalf.

  • Yes – I am working all things together for your good and for My glory!
  • Yes – I am establishing all my good purposes for you!
  • Yes – I am unleashing all my power in all the areas that concern you!
  • Yes – I am a mighty Warrior who saves!
  • Yes – I am fighting for you right here, right now, in this place!
  • Yes – I have gone before you!
  • Yes – I am already orchestrating divine and glorious expressions of My love!
  • Yes – I love you with an everlasting love!
  • Yes – I am filled with delight each moment I think of you!

I don’t know about you, but right here, right now – I desperately NEED to be reminded that the disappointments and difficulties I see are NOT because God is speaking a great big depressing “NO!” over my life. Instead I need to surrender to the truth that each unexpected delay is simply a part of His eternal and MUCH bigger “YES!”

Our Jesus is a water-walking, death-defying, mountain-moving, obstacle-demolishing God and because He indwells us, ALL of heaven is on our side. The Champion of Heaven is in our corner and He’s got our back! YES! JOY and GLORY and VICTORY are ours!

What if we refused to allow what we see to shake our faith in the One we don’t see? Each time we choose to embrace the “Yes” God is speaking over our lives, each moment we choose to believe that His promises are the Rock-solid Truth, our Redeemer radically re-frames each of our disappointments, difficulties and delays with His eternal, unshakable Hope.

Let’s dare to live the “Yes” of God’s Heart and then let’s just sit back in awe as we watch Him powerfully transform our perspectives so that we continually look beyond what we see into the eyes of the One who sees all things!