Stand Firm

Stand Firm
For those who have been subscribing to my blog for the past year, you may recognize this post from last August. But over the last few days, God has been bringing this verse to mind with such power and frequency, I felt I should post it again. I am praying fervently for all of us to “Stand Firm”, remaining unshakable and unmoved in the face of our current troubles, trials and difficulties.
Ok – I’m just kicking off my shoes and I’m gonna get real – that’s what this space is all about, right? No pretense, no masks – just real people living in the real world… committed to running to a very real Savior in all our mess.
I came to the Lord on a recent morning with a heart filled with apprehension. I was struggling to write Courageous Hope – even struggling to find time to sit uninterrupted at my computer. Our house is busy, full and loud.
I was feeling inadequate, overwhelmed, and wondering if God had chosen the wrong person . . . ever felt that way?
But as I came before the Lord that morning with my cup of hot tea, Bible and journal, I pushed aside all my concerns and with a sense of deep relief drew near to the comfort of the Lord.
“Lord, I love You, what do You want to say this morning?”
I glanced out the window and watched a rather large bird perch on the uppermost branch of a young birch tree in our backyard. The thin branch dipped low under the weight.
As the force of the wind increased and branch and bird were blown about rather violently, I was amazed by the bird’s response . . . or rather lack of it.
Seemingly without any effort, the bird remained balanced, settled, completely at home on its precarious, wind-whipped perch. Even when the wind blew harder, his grip on the tiny branch remained firm – without even the tiniest shifting of its weight.
The wind was ferociously strong and yet the bird was completely . . . unmoved.
Even as the wind’s lashing strength continued unabated . .
. . . that bird didn’t despair
. . . he didn’t give in to discouragement
. . . he didn’t have a nervous breakdown
. . . he never started wringing his little wings together in worry, wondering when things would get easier . . .
He simply held on!
What a powerful picture of courageous, steadfast faith! God knew exactly what I needed.
My soul-cry at that moment: “Lord, I want to live like that! Just like that bird – unmoved, unruffled, unfazed even when the winds of adversity are blowing against me.”
I was reminded of a verse I’d recorded in my journal the day before:
“Stand firm. Let nothing move you.
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord,
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
(1 Corinthians 15:58).
I began to wonder how different our lives would be if instead of being emotionally tossed about by the obstacles, we gave ourselves fully to the work of faith. What would happen if we simply held tight to God’s unchanging Word at all times, in every situation?
What if … instead of worrying, we plant our feet firmly on the Rock, lift a hand toward heaven and courageously declare the promises of God?
Would you pause right now and ask the Lord to help you stand firm, confidently unmoved, because you’re deeply convinced that your King is the Champion of Heaven and His Kingdom will never be shaken!
What promise are you holding onto today?